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Sunday, December 26, 2010

HAPPY 2011

If you didn’t know there are several web sites dedicated to making or creating resolutions for the New Year. They list the top ten resolutions. Number one is to lose weight. Judge Terry Dempsey has followed this mighty tradition with the desire to lose 30 pounds in 2011.

Number two on the list is to get organized. Our District attorney Joey Rushing has a variation on this. He stayed after the courthouse closed over the holiday and cleaned up his office. He resolves to keep the top of his desk so clean that he can see the person who is sitting on the other side of the desk.

Spend less and save more is in third place on the web. No one told me that this is their resolution. Maybe we should all save more and we may all spend less because of the doom predictions on the economy. In my Pollyanna world this is not going to be a problem.

Number four on the web’s list is to enjoy life to the fullest. It isn’t my resolution but I do try and enjoy myself each day. I often tell my son John Isaac to have fun. He is at Birmingham Southern College and I want him to have much fun now. When he has a job, family, and responsibility it may be difficult to just let go and enjoy.

Melissa Cason said that her resolution is to have more fun, get more fit and to stay fabulous! I think she is in the spirit of number four. However, it also goes with number five which is to get fit and to stay healthy. Molly Ann Bates said, “Mine are the same as most people’s Diet, exercise, and try to survive. I want to stay healthy too. I just don’t want to do those yucky healthy things.

Number six is to learn something exciting. In my job I learn many exciting things most of which I can’t repeat. I have tried now for three years to learn Spanish. I can now say a few colors count to five and know lots of food names.. taco .. burrito, cheese dip.

Quit smoking is number seven. This is very hard to do. If this is your resolution let me know and I will pray for you. I believe that this can be done with Divine intervention. This leads me to number eight; helping others.

To fall in love is number nine. My experience has been that it is too easy to fall in love. The trick is to fall in love with the right person. This flows right into number ten spending more time with family. I think with all of the snow we have done this for 2010 now on to next year.

Tawanna Kendrick Richardson said, "Actually this was from last year but it worked. Every time something from my past that was negative came to mind I would change the thought to something positive." Paula Norris Mullens said, “How about simply refocus... That's what I plan on doing. Reset my focus..”

Joan Allen resolves to have quite evenings of meditation. My daughter, Hannah Grace says that she wants to be a better and nicer person. She is the best just ask me. Oh! Maybe my resolution should be to stop bragging about my kids and grandkids. No, that just not possible.
 You might want to check out these sites

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Santa Claus - AKA Saint Nick - AKA Jolly Old Elf - AKA Father Christmas is wanted for multiple crimes. First and foremost he has broken into millions of homes over the past few years. For each breaking and entering offense, Santa faces up to fifteen years in prison. The sentences could be served consecutively, meaning that Santa could end up serving more than 1.5 billion years in prison if sentenced to the maximum penalty. Many states have harsher breaking and entering penalties if the crime occurs at night, which could further extend Santa's time in prison.
As Santa’s attorney, I’m hopeful that the judge will show leniency toward Mr. Clause. A best case scenario would involve several million of the breaking and entering charges being dropped. Mr. Claus would be allowed to plea to three counts to run concurrently. He would also be allowed to request and to apply for probation.
It is my belief that Santa Clause entered these homes with only good intentions. My client has never forced his way into the homes. He has never caused any damage to the homes, and never took anything other than milk and cookies. He has actually left things of value in most of the homes he has entered. Although some home owners do want him prosecuted for criminal littering as it appears that he has left lumps of coal and switches in some of the dwellings.
Mr. Claus is also charged with stalking and has admitted to knowing who is being naughty and who is being nice. By this admission it can be proved that he has had unlawful surveillance of several million people.
It appears that he has been raising livestock without proper inspection. Also a reindeer is not a domesticated animal and should not be allowed to cross state lines without the proper vaccinations, Coggins test and veterinarian certification. Mr. Claus could be spreading parasites throughout the country and bringing in unwanted vegetation. Some believe this is how kudzu gained a stronghold here in the south.
The authorities at the North Pole are wanting to question Mr. Claus about the alleged sweat shop that he operates there. It seems that he forces little people to work for him for wages far below average. He also denies them time off for meals and breaks that the union has guaranteed.
The prosecution has argued against any special treatment for Santa stating that a crime is a crime. The officials are firm in their belief that no special treatment should be given to Mr. Clause just because he is famous. Some people believe that the punishment should be the same for everyone, no matter who they happen to be. It has been said that Santa should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
There are several other countries wishing to bring charges against Santa Clause and have requested his extradition. So in the future Mr. Claus may not be saying ho ho ho. He may only state not guilty.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Show you care make a will!

I know that I’ve written about the importance of a will before. However, it needs to be said again. I have a dear friend who just passed away. As a matter of fact I’ve just come from his funeral. While talking to his relatives I was asked about why he didn’t have a will. For at least ten years I’ve suggested that he write a will and a living will. He was in good health. He just didn’t do one. He has strong healthy children and grandchildren, all of whom seem to be very intelligent. They spent much of their grief time attempting to understand what their love one would have wanted. Everyone wanted to do the right things but there was no way to know for sure what their dad would have wanted. Watching this lovely family making all of the decisions has prompted me to write this.
First of all everyone needs a will. There are no exceptions. A will is not expensive. The attorney fees start at seventy-five dollars. You do not have to know all your property. For incidence you do not have to put down the make and model of your car. Chances are that at the time of the will you will not have the same car. A will is a general instruction about who gets what after you have gone. You can say to my son I leave all of my guns. To my daughter I leave all of the jewelry. You do however need to know who you trust to carry out your wishes. You need a personal representative. This is what we use to call an executor. You also need a person to be an alternate. This is just in case the chosen executor has predeceased you or for some reason can’t do the job. Most couples make their spouse their personal representative and a child their alternate.
Second, it takes away a lot of pain for your loved ones if you have a living will. In the past women gave birth whenever the baby wanted to come. Now days the event is often planned. The family and the doctor decide when to induce the labor. It seems the same thing has happened at the end of life. The doctors have machines that can keep your lungs, kidneys, and heart going for a long time. Then after the family has spent several weeks at the hospital the machines can be removed. This takes the suddenness out of the death. It prepares the living for your passing. If you wish to be placed on life support you can say so in your living will. If you want to die in a more old fashioned way you can. In a living will you can determine how your last illness is handled. This is not what any of us want to think about while we are rushing through our healthy days. However doing a will and a living will are great gifts to give your loved ones as you are leaving this earth for your heavenly home.